Monday, March 16, 2009

2 Years Experience...

I was hit with some very disappointing news. The hospital that I have been waiting on credentialing me for outpatient mental health services discovered that psychiatric nurse practitioners are unable to be paneled without 2 years experience for the vast majority of private insurance companies. I completely understand why this standard exists. BUT should they have known that when they offered me the job almost a year ago. It took them 8 months to figure out that I would be unable to do the job that I was hired for.

Now the hard work comes, finding a new job...

The only reason for stay in Connecticut after graduate school was to start this job. The most "perfect job" for what I wanted to do: medication management, psychiatric evaluations with LOTS of research options. I am not so sure that I am going to find everything I always wanted from my first job...and maybe I was not supposed to.

So now the search begins and where it will take me, no idea but I feel that makes it so much more exciting. In addition, this gives me the option of leaving the cold weather of the Northeast and head down south towards family, friends and less inches of snow per year.

Since I love politics and I am truly enthralled by what is currently going on in Washington, D.C. I am almost positive that this is where I will be living in about two months. I was so surprised by the amount of job options available within the metro area. There are several excellent schools of nursing, wonderful hospitals and (my personal favorite) the possibility of working for the government.

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